W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd is covered by Section 14 of the South African Constitution of 1996. Using Section 14 of the South African Constitution of 1996 as a guideline, we have a Privacy Policy, which sets out how we manage privacy in our organisation.


W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd takes it obligations under the constitution seriously and takes all reasonable steps in order to comply with it and protect the privacy of the personal information that we hold. This policy sets out how we do this.

Collection, Use and Disclosure- W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd may collect and hold personal information for the primary purpose of allowing it to enter into business, marketing and employment related transactions. The collection, use and disclosure of information is in compliance with Section 14 of South African Constitution. You do not have to provide this information but if you do not, W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd may not be able to fully assess you application or provide you with the full services in relation to the primary purpose described. If information is used for any secondary purpose W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd will assess the secondary purpose and ensure it is related to the primary purpose. Further details regarding the collection use and disclose of the information is available in our Collection, Use and Disclosure Statement, which is available on request.

Access to your personal information – W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd provide access to the personal information that we hold about you. Access will be provided in accordance with our Access Policy, a copy of which is available on request

Complaints - If you have any complaints about our privacy practices or wish to make a complaint about how your personal information is managed please contact the Privacy Officer. Complaints will be handled under the W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd Privacy Complaints Policy, a copy of which is available on request.

Security and Storage – W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information that we hold. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy. W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd regularly review the personal information that is stored and if this information is no longer is no longer required for any of the primary purpose described above it is securely disposed of.

Further Information

More information can be obtained by contacting W Voigt Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd on 021- 510 11 66

To:  W Voigt Hydraulics (PTY) LTD , 367 Voortrekker Road, Maitland, Cape Town 7405 DATE: ………………....